Exhibitor Application Form – C-Suite

40 Tons Career Conference - Jun 19, 2023 | Chicago IL

questions? Contact the 40 tons career sales team at Sales@40tons.co

40 Tons Careers Inc.
2604 El Camino Real #B215
Carlsbad, CA 92008

Company Name & Address

Primary Contact

Secondary Contact

Select Your Booth

Terms and Conditions

Number of Booths Requested

Choose Your Location

View floor plan HERE and enter the section that you would prefer your exhibit to be located below.

40 Tons Careers Inc. (TAX ID#87-4031040)
2604 El Camino Real #B215
Carlsbad, CA 92008

Exhibitors, sponsors, and their agents and representatives are subject to and intend to be legally bound by the 40 Tons Career Conference Exhibitor and Sponsor Rules and Regulations (the “Rules”). The individuals/representatives completing this application certify that he/she/they are authorized to secure the exhibitor, sponsor, and their agents and representatives and act on their behalf.The Rules are incorporated herein and are available here. This application nor the Rules can be modified by printed or handwritten additions, deletions, changes, or strikethroughs, and any modifications inconsistent with the Rules will be voidable by the 40 Tons Career Conference. The exhibitor, sponsor, and their agents and representatives are liable for the contracted amount, and failure to make payment does not relieve the obligation to pay the contracted amount.

40 Tons Career Conference reserves the right to reject an application or deny benefits and privileges for failure to make timely payment.